Institute of Vehicles and Construction Machinery Engineering

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Prof. Piotr Orliński, PhD, DSc Eng.

Deputy director for scientific affairs

Krzysztof Szczurowski, PhD Eng.

Deputy director for didactic affairs

Ireneusz Krakowiak, PhD Eng.


mgr Małgorzata Szymańska
room: 0.10a
phone: 22 234 8410
Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 – 16:00


The Institute of Vehicles and Construction Machinery Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology has existed since 2020. It was formed by merging the Institute of Vehicles and the Institute of Construction Machinery Engineering, both of which have been operating at the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering since 1970. The Institute was established with the aim of education and conducting scientific activities in the field of mechanical engineering and transportation. Interdisciplinary scientific research, carried out in collaboration with other scientific units and industrial partners, results in unique knowledge and experience of the Institute's staff. We also fulfil our mission by ensuring the highest standards of education quality. This enables the transmission of knowledge and the education of future engineers and young scientists at the highest scientific level, covering a wide range of topics related to the construction, design, and research of vehicles and mobile machines, with a focus on modern hybrid drive systems.

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