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On November 15 we celebrate the Warsaw University of Technology Day. All units of WUT, including students and employees of our University, will join the celebrations.

The tradition of the Warsaw University of Technology - the largest and oldest technical university in Poland - dates back to the early nineteenth century, exactly in 1826 in Warsaw when the Preparatory School for technical studies was opened. Unfortunately, after only a few years of operation, the school was closed down in 1831 as a result of a repression after the outbreak of the November Uprising.

The establishment in 1898 of the Warsaw Polytechnical Institute was the crowing of long-drawn efforts by the Poles to create an institution of higher technical education. On the beginning there were three faculties: Mechanical, Chemical and Civil Engineering. The classes were conducted in Russian. In 1905 Polish students decided to protest and demand the autonomy of the University and Polish as the language of instruction.

Ten years later, 15 November 1915, the first Polish technical university – Warsaw University of Technology was established. Studies were conducted in Polish at the faculties of: Architecture, Machine Design and Electrical Engineering, Chemistry and Civil and Agricultural Engineering. The first rector was prof. Zygmunt Straszewicz.

Traditionally, on November 15 we invite everybody to celebrate with us the Warsaw University of Technology Day. Join us during schedulled for this day special events.

Source URL: https://www.simr.pw.edu.pl/aktualnosc/department-cooperation/1416-wut-day