Interim thesis

Rules of carrying out the interim thesis at the SiMR faculty

1.        The following persons are obliged to carry out the interim thesis:

  •        students of the 6th semester of full-time and part-time first-cycle studies (summer semester),
  •        students of the 2nd semester of full-time second-cycle studies (winter semester),
  •        students of the 2nd semester of part-time second-cycle studies (summer semester).

2.        In the first week of the semester there is organized an information meeting.

3.        The interim thesis is carried out in the form of project classes and, in accordance with §17 point 2 of the Regulations of studies at the Warsaw University of Technology, it should be completed before the end of the semester in which is carried out.

4.        During the first three weeks of the semester, the student contacts to an academic teacher of his or her choice and determine the topic and scope of interim project.

5.        The topic of the interim project may be selected from the topics offered by the academic teacher or proposed by the student.

6.        The academic teacher and the student determine the scope and the content of the interim thesis sheet (annex to this procedure) and sign it. The original interim thesis sheet remains with the academic teacher and the student receives its copy.

7.        The student immediately start work, and the academic teacher supervising the interim thesis sends information by e-mail about the begging of the work, together with a copy of the interim thesis sheet, to the employee of the institute responsible for the settlement of interim thesis, i.e.:

  •        for the Institute of Machine Design – Przemysław Rumianek, M.Sc. ,
  •        for the Institute of of Vehicles and Construction Machinery Engineering – Paweł Gomoliński, PhD.

8.        During the semester, the student is entitled to consult his work during regular consultations hours of an academic teacher.

9.        At least one week before the end of the semester, the student submits the final version of the interim thesis to the academic teacher in electronic or paper form and academic teacher sets a date for a meeting to discuss the work and give a grade.

10.    No later than 3 days before the end of the examination session (first-cycle studies and part-time second-cycle studies - summer semester; full-time second-cycle studies - winter semester) , the academic teacher submit this grade to the employee responsible for its settling.

11.    By the last day of the session, the employee responsible for the settlement of interim thesis at the institute enters the collective assessments of the interim thesis to the USOS system.

12.    Persons who did not obtain credit for the interim thesis within the above-mentioned deadline will have to re-register for the course in the next academic year and pay a fee for repeating the classes.

13.    In case of repeating classes, there is no need to fill up the interim thesis sheet again.

14.    In justified cases, it is possible to change the interim thesis supervisor and issue a new topic of interim thesis. In such case, it is necessary to obtain written consent from the previous interim thesis supervisor.


Documents to download

⇒ Interim Thesis Sheet



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